Taras is the managing partner of our law firm and qualified attorney at law.
Taras graduated from law faculty of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, where he obtained his Master’s degree in law. He obtained numerous awards for his scientific and social activity. Afterwards, he started his postgraduate studies at Alma Mater (2009-2012), and during this period Taras Bachynskyy prepared scientific publications and participated in the development and analysis of regulatory documents under the scientific guidance of Professor Petro Rabinovych, Doctor of Law. On the 5th of December, 2013, Taras Bachynskyy successfully defended his thesis “Forming the basis of legal philosophy and legal culture among young people (philosophical and legal aspects)”.Taras Bachynskyy has more than 50 publicist and scientific publications. Taras Bachynskyy has been practising law since 2008. Considerable experience is grounded on knowledge of the essence of the business and the needs of founders since Taras is not just a simple lawyer. Many legal services in the spheres of corporate, real estate, IT are innovative and perhaps firstly introduced in the Ukrainian legal market. The main motto of Taras is a responsibility and bringing cases to effective completion.
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Master of Laws
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
- President of the Ukrainian PhD Association
- Chairman of the IT Law Committee (Ukrainian Lawyers’ National Association)
- Member of the Club of Business People
- Member of the Ukrainian Bar Association
- Member of the West Ukrainian Business Club
- Member of the IT Business Club