The order on the setting of hryvnia to foreign currencies official exchange rate was changed

Since March 31, 2015 official exchange rates of foreign currencies and bank metals, on which daily official rate setting is foreseen, will be set at the end of the day. Thus the new official currency rate comes in force on the next banking day.

From that date official rate:

– Set on the last working day of the week or holiday day – will be in force during weekends and holidays;

– Set on the last working day of the week or holiday day – will come in force on the first working day of the week;

– As for foreign currency, on which monthly official rate setting is foreseen, will come in force on the last working day of the month and will be valid from the first to the last day of the following calendar month.

Notice of setting the official exchange rate is to be published on the day of its setting till six o’clock on the official website of the National Bank of Ukraine.

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