Obtaining a permanent residence permit in Ukraine

Permanent residence permit – a document certifying the identity of a foreigner or stateless person and confirming the right to permanent residence in Ukraine

The following have the right to receive a permanent residence permit:

  • foreigners and stateless persons who immigrated to Ukraine for permanent residence in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Immigration”;
  • foreigners and stateless persons who, prior to the adoption of the decision to terminate the citizenship of Ukraine, permanently resided on the territory of Ukraine and after the adoption of such a decision remained permanently resident on its territory (in this case, the basis for issuing a permanent residence permit to foreigners and stateless persons is the corresponding decree of the President of Ukraine on termination of Ukrainian citizenship and statements of such persons).

Passports are issued to foreigners and stateless persons who:

  • have reached the age of 16 – on the basis of applications-questionnaires submitted by them personally;
  • have not reached the age of 16 or are recognized as having limited legal capacity or incapacity, – on the basis of the questionnaire applications of one of the parents (adoptive parents), with whom the persons live on the basis of an immigration permit, guardians, custodians.

The procedure for obtaining a permanent residence permit:

  1. Collect the necessary documents;
  2. Contact the territorial division of the State Migration Service of Ukraine to submit an application for an immigration permit;
  3. Get an immigration permit;
  4. Obtain a long-term visa to Ukraine and a permanent residence permit based on an immigration permit;
  5. Register your place of residence, i.e. register.

Validity of the permit:

The certificate is issued for a period of 10 years.

The permanent residence permit is canceled by the territorial body or subdivision of the State Internal Revenue Service, which issued it, in case of:

  • cancellation of permission to immigrate to Ukraine in accordance with Article 12 of the Law of Ukraine “On Immigration”;
  • receiving information from the National Police, the SBU, another state body that, within the limits of its powers, ensures compliance with the requirements of the legislation on the legal status of foreigners and stateless persons, that the permit was issued on the basis of false information, forged or invalid documents;
  • in other cases provided by law.

It is important to note that the procedure for obtaining a permanent residence permit can be complicated and take some time. Lawyers of the “Bachynskyy and Partners” attorneys at law will help you prepare the necessary documents for obtaining a permanent residence permit in Ukraine and achieve the desired result.


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