Under Ukrainian legislation, trademark is a sign by which the goods and services of some persons differ from the goods and services of other persons. In terms of market glut of various goods and services and increased competition in goods and services between the performers and their producers more and more companies started to pay considerable attention to the registration of the trademark.
Duly registered trademark gots a lot advantages , in particular it’s can be a guarantor of goods (services) quality and key to a successful business, positive image and good reputation among consumers; individualize your products, thus protect it from illegal imitation or fake by unscrupulous competitors; increases your legal protection in the event of legal dispute.
The importance of trademark registration for the identification and promotion of your products (services) on the market should not be underestimated, because illegal use of trademark trademark can lead to negative consequences.
Very often there is a situation when unscrupulous competitors, with haven’t rights on the trademark, without your knowledge, producing goods (services) under your trademark. As a result, the market extend substandard products by a company that consumers associate with your trademark, which ultimately will certainly lead to loss of credibility and good name of your company. Recall that under Ukrainian legislation Ukraine provided as civil liability for unlawful use of a registered trade mark (compensation of material and moral damages to the trademark owner) and criminal liability for damage caused to a significant (large, especially large) amount.
Attorneys at law “Bachynskyy, Kolomiets and partners” provides a full range of services related to the registration of the trade mark, so if you have difficulties in the preparation of all necessary documents for registration contact with us: +38 096 002 01 00, +38 050 431 70 84.