Our legal-servicing compamy “Legalaid” provides legal services of support in purchasing apartments on the primary and the secondary market. In order to protect yourselves when you buy apartments, you should to contact our lawyers specializing in real estate transactions, and we will provide you with detailed analysis and advice regarding to all risks.
Why you should to choose our company?
• When you select an appropriate package of services we make a comprehensive analysis of issue;
• Associate of our company will provide you with detailed written or verbal advice and answer all your additional questions, because at our legal-servicing company “Legalaid” there are attorneys and lawyers dealing exclusively with real estate transactions, so they have considerable experience in this matter;
• We save your time, because we can effectively and quickly assess the situation;
• We have the positive reviews from our Clients.
• Our lawyer will accompany you during the concluding the contract at the developer offise or at the notary’s offise.
• Investing in real estate – one of the most important in your life, and our services are only small fee for your safety and the safety of your greatest assets.
We offer three possible packages of our legal support in purchasing apartments on the primary market:
1) Package “All inclusive”
– We check the information about the construction company: information from the official register of legal entities and individual enterprises. If it is necessary we analyse the statutory documents, information from business search portals, public registers, for example we check if the construction company isn’t in a state of liquidation, who is the head of this company, the information about the tax debt. We analyze the previous construction objects of this company (duration of construction period, if these objects have been finished in time). We learning litigation history with this construction company. Our lawyer monitors information (reviews) about the construction company in internet.
– Analysis of the real situation. We ask owners of apartments in already constructed buildings of this construction company. We explore issues of the building activity after construction (tariffs, quality of the construction, etc.). Our company analyzes the process of construction (builders reviews, web site of the construction company etc.).
– Permits on the construction: we check the documents on the land, urban conditions and restrictions of building land, construction permits (declaration, permission), availability of expertise of the project design documentation and other documents.
– Analysis of the proposed contract: our lawyer prepares a detailed consultation on all possible provisions of the agreement, explaining in detail all the possible risks or benefits available in this situation.
– Legal support of our Client at the office of the construction company or at the notary’s office for concluding the contract.
2) Package “Standart”
– We check the information about the construction company: information from the official register of legal entities and individual enterprises. If it is necessary we analyse the statutory documents, information from business search portals, public registers, for example we check if the construction company isn’t in a state of liquidation, who is the head of this company, the information about the tax debt.
– Permits on the construction: we check the documents on the land, urban conditions and restrictions of building land, construction permits (declaration, permission), availability of expertise of the project design documentation and other documents.
– Analysis of the proposed contract: our lawyer prepares a detailed consultation on all possible provisions of the agreement, explaining in detail all the possible risks or benefits available in this situation.
– Legal support of our Client at the office of the construction company or at the notary’s office for concluding the contract.
3) Package “Minimum”
– Analysis of the proposed contract: our lawyer prepares a detailed consultation on all possible provisions of the agreement, explaining in detail all the possible risks or benefits available in this situation.
– Legal support of our Client at the office of the construction company or at the notary’s office for concluding the contract.