Today, in Ukraine, the quality of services in state health care institutions often desires better. That’s why private medical practice is becoming more popular. Moreover, maybe instead of waiting for the results of the medical reform, you should think about opening a private medical center.
A person with medical education can open such a medical institution in Ukraine. A person without a medical specialty, but with the ability to organize medical staff, can do it as well.
First, you should choose the legal form of economic activity: an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity. Registration as an individual entrepreneur is simpler. At the same time, such a form also implies the full responsibility of this individual for all his property.
Medical practice in Ukraine is subject to licensing, and it is necessary to obtain a license before starting to operate. To get the license you need to have a material and technical base and qualified staff.
There are separate licensing conditions (Cabinet resolution dated March 2, 2016, No. 285), for medical practice, which determine the requirements for it and the documents filing to The Ministry of Health.
After registering a private entrepreneur or a legal entity, you must take the following steps.
First, find a building suitable for medical practice. Its size will depend on the activities of the medical center and the number of staff. For a dentist office, for example, you don’t need a large room.
Note the requirements of state building codes. Certain types of medical practice prohibited to place in residential buildings, some of them have requirements for their total area, width or other characteristics.
Stay of the property or lease must be documented. By the time of filing, it is necessary to form a staffing structure and conduct sanitary-epidemiological surveys.
Doctors must have work experience in a specialty of at least three years. Doctors who do not have such an experience can be admitted to medical practice only after passing the internship.
Today, license conditions directly determine the possibility of issuing a license to a physical person – an entrepreneur who does not have a doctor’s qualification and medical education in general. There is only a requirement to be staffed with medical workers.
The license application is considered within ten working days, and the decision publish on the website of the Ministry of Health.
And only after the decision is made public, it is necessary to pay a fee within ten working days. So if the issue is denied – the fee is not charged. The size of the payment is one living standard for able-bodied persons.
Employment contracts with employees should conclude within a month of the publication of the decision.
The license is valid for an unlimited period.
In addition, you must comply with licensing conditions during the conduct of the activity.
The legislation provides for administrative liability in the case of medical practice without a license, as well as in violation of licensing conditions (Article 164 of the Code of Administrative Offenses) – a fine of one thousand to two thousand non-taxable minimum incomes (17,000 – 34,000 UAH) with confiscation, or without such.
Criminal liability for activities without a license for today is not provided. However, there is a responsibility for medical treatment without obtaining a permit, which is carried out by a person without proper medical education, if the patient has serious consequences (Article 138 of the Criminal Code).