Visa-free entry became possible for the citizens of Ukraine and Russia in 1997. By the March, 1, 2015, Russian citizens could cross the Ukrainian border with their national passports, but nowadays it is forbidden. Russian citizens can leave for Ukraine only at the presence of passport for traveling abroad.
Moreover, the requirements for male adults entering Ukraine became stricter. Such foreigners must have good reasons for visiting Ukraine, for example, death or illness of Ukrainian relatives, invitations from individuals or legal entities, etc. The matter is that the list of these good reasons is foreseen in inner documents of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and is not freely available.
In addition, there is a nuance: under Ukrainian legislation, making of the “classic” invitations issued by the State Migration Service, is possible only for the foreigners who will get a visa to Ukraine. Thus, for the citizens of visa-free countries making of such an invitation is a-priory impossible.
What can law-abiding Russian citizens do, if they have no dying relatives in Ukraine? How can they prove the gravity of reasons to enter into Ukraine?
LSC “Legalaid” found the solution.
We make a special invitation to Ukraine – a guarantee letter on our blank that confirms the legality of your stay in Ukraine. As a rule, we prepare such letters in the case of further legal support of your stay in Ukraine. We indicate our contacts in this invitational letter, for the officers of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine could call us directly and get additional confirmations.
Thus, you may use our legal services even distantly.