Changing of the Director of the legal entity

Position of the Director is a key position in any company, however, the person who occupies such a position, usually has a right to represent interests of the company and act on its behalf without any authorizing documents.

General information about the Director of the Company is in YeRDPOU, territorial subdivisions of the State Fiscal Service (SFS), banks, and so forth. Therefore, it is important not only properly arrange the discharge of the director in accordance with the requirements of valid labor legislation, but also immediately make all necessary registrations relating to his change.

Thus, the Law of Ukraine «On State Registration of  Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs” from 15.05.2003 № 755-IV provides that in case of changing of the head of legal entity, the appropriate authorized entity (including newly elected director) must submit to the state registrar a completed registration card (Form 4) amending the details of legal entity which are in the YeRDPOU.

Later, after the registration of the changes, if the company had opened accounts in the bank and the previous Director had the right to manage these accounts, you must also inform the bank about the change of Director.
For proper preparation of all documents for registration changes, our specialists should submit:

  • Copy of a passport and Individual Tax Number of a previous director;
  • Copy of a passport and Individual Tax Number of a newly appointed director;
  • Copy of the edition of the statute, which contains information about the founders.

Based on the aforementioned documents we prepare projects:

  • Minutes of the general meeting of  Shareholders, which Shareholders decide to discharge previous and appoint a new director;
  • Power of attorney from the company on the lawyers-representatives;
  • Order of appointing of a new director;
  • Fill in an application card.

Having prepared all the documents we send it to you to get acquainted with clear instructions on signing each of the documents. After reading you send us signed documents that subsequently are submitted our specialists to the state registrator.

After making changes to the YeRDPOU to the bank, where the company opened accounts submitted notarized cards with signature and seal of the new director (in duplicate); a copy of Extracts from the YeRDPOU, statute, minutes, order about appointing director, passport and Individual Tax Number of the new director. However, banks may require a different list of documents, despite the fact that the NBU set a list, but referring to the identification of the customer amount of the documents by the specific banks can be changed. We always try to pre-notify the client of a clear list of documents required by the bank.

Time of the full range of services to change the director is about 1-2 weeks, although it may change.

Changing of the Director of the legal entity

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