Reaching the legal age is one of the general conditions for bringing a person to criminal responsibility, which is provided for by the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The age of criminal responsibility is the number of years determined by the criminal law (calendar period of a person’s psychophysiological state), upon reaching which a person is considered to be subject to criminal responsibility and punishment.

As a general rule, persons who have reached the age of 16 before committing a criminal offense are subject to criminal liability .


The legislator also provided for a lower age of criminal responsibility for an exhaustive list of intentional criminal offenses, the responsibility for which occurs from the age of 14 , in particular for:

Subjects of certain crimes (most war crimes, involving a minor in criminal activity, etc.) can only be persons who have reached the age of 18.

Since the age from which criminal liability may arise has legal significance, pre-trial investigation bodies and courts must take measures to establish the age of a minor – the date of his birth.

The Criminal Code of Ukraine also contains a separate section dedicated to the specifics of criminal responsibility and punishment of minors, the norms of which should contribute to taking into account the age, socio-psychological, psychophysical and other features of the development of minors who have committed a criminal offense.

Chapter XV of the Criminal Code of Ukraine provides for special, more humane conditions of criminal liability and punishment of minors who have committed a criminal offense.

Participation of a lawyer in criminal proceedings against a person under the age of 18 is mandatory on the basis of the law.

Our lawyers have many years of experience in protecting the interests of clients in criminal proceedings and are ready to provide a full range of legal services – from consultation to support and representation of a minor at all stages of the case.

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