- Migration law
- Legal support in the preparation of an administrative protocol for violation of migration legislation
- Appeal against decisions, actions or inaction of officials and officials
- Archival work
- Registration of a place of residence of a foreigner in Ukraine
- Permits for the use of labor of foreigners and stateless persons
- Entry into (adoption to) Ukrainian citizenship
- Permanent Residence Permit
- Temporary residence permit in Ukraine
- Visa support
- Financial right
- Analysis and preparation of investment schemes and opening of accounts in foreign banks.
- Organization of financial monitoring in the stock market
- Interaction with regulatory authorities during scheduled and unscheduled inspections
- Accounting outsourcing of financial companies in the stock market
- Administration of AMC activities
- Organization and holding of the general meeting of shareholders
- Amendments to the statutory documents of the AMC, CIF, PIF, Investment companies, share issue prospectus, fund regulations
- Registration of securities issue prospectuses
- Legal support for stock market participants
- Reorganization of the Joint Stock Company into LLC
- Registration of joint stock companies
- Registration, licensing of Investment companies
- Sale of ready-made corporate investment funds
- Registration of the Corporate Investment Fund
- Registration of a Mutual Investment Fund
- Sale of Shelf Asset Management Companies
- Registration, licensing of Asset Management Company
- Administration of financial companies
- Accounting outsourcing of financial companies
- Financial monitoring in a non-banking financial institution
- Obtaining approval for the acquisition of a significant stake in a financial company
- Legal support for financial companies
- Licensing activities for the provision of guarantees and guarantees
- Registration of a financial company combining activities
- Registration of an insurance company
- Licensing activities for lending: registration of a credit company, registration of a credit union
- Licensing of pawnshop activities
- Licensing of activities for foreign exchange transactions (currency exchange)
- Licensing of funds transfer activity
- Licensing of activities for financial leasing
- Licensing of factoring activities
- Organization of the issue of securities
- Migration law